Friday, January 28, 2011

Product Review: Revlon ColorStay Mineral Lipglaze

I bought the "Overtime Wine" color, at CVS last night. I believe it was $9.99, which seems to be the going rate for a tube of colored lip gunk. CVS is running a special right now - if you buy two Revlon products you get $4 in "Extra Bucks." This will be great if (a big if) I remember to use the coupon the next time I am there.

How it looks:
The color is translucent, so whatever shade you buy, it will probably be lighter than it appears in the tube. "Overtime Wine" has a little shimmer to it - I didn't notice if this was true of all of the colors. I'm happy with the color on me (I'm fair-skinned and blond, my face tends to be ruddy, and my skin has cool/blue undertones). I think it will be good for wearing to the office...the shimmer is there but it's not crazy, and it's a nice medium color.

How it feels:
My main concern when I bought this is that it would be sticky. It's a liquid that you apply with a wand, and it's supposed to be "long wearing," so how else is it going to stick if it's not sticky? I was right; it is sticky. It's not awful, but if sticky bothers you, look elsewhere. On the plus side, it's not drying, as some of these "long-wearing" products seem to be.

How it wears:
It seems to wear better than most of the non-"long-wearing" lip products I use. I applied it before my morning coffee and bagel, and while it came off all over the coffee cup and the bagel, there was actually still some on my lips when breakfast was over. I was impressed.

How it tastes/smells:
I found the flavor inoffensive - it tastes like orange-flavored Italian nougat candy. (How's that for specific?)


  1. You are so funny.... the absolute last thing I expected on your blog would be a lipstick review.

  2. @Jess: I shave my legs now too...can you imagine?

  3. Do you know of any pale lip gloss/stick stuff where the color actually lasts?? Doesn't have to outlast a bagel: I'm looking for something low-key, that I can put on and not have it all come off on the way to the bus!

  4. @Anne - I think this product comes in lighter colors. I've had pretty good luck with just plain lipstick...Maybelline used to carry a nice moisturizing line of lipsticks that stayed on pretty well, but they don't make that exact product anymore. They might make something similar, but I stocked up on the old stuff so I haven't had tried their latest lipsticks.
